Latest Episodes
7. What Are We Deceived by? (Genesis 3:1-7)
The sister who gave her testimony at this evening’s gathering said, “No one can take away the peace God has given me through the...
8. We Can Never Be Saved From Sin by Any Man-made Religious Faith (Genesis 4:1-4)
In Genesis chapter two, the Lord God commanded the first man Adam, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but...
9. Eternal Salvation Foreshadowed in the Sacrifice of Atonement (Genesis 4:1-4)
Today, focusing on the passage that says, “Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat,” I would like to...
10. Spiritual Offering versus Carnal Offering (Genesis 4:1-5)
Through the offerings of Abel and Cain, in today’s Scripture passage we learn in detail about spiritual faith and carnal faith. In other words,...
11. We Must Believe in God Based on His Word (Genesis 4:1-5)
Genesis chapter four describes the very first sacrifice that mankind offered to God. Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of mankind, were driven out...
12. Let Us Live as Shepherds (Genesis 4:1-5)
After being driven out of the Garden of Eden, Adam slept with his wife Eve, and she conceived a baby. It is written, “She...