Through the offerings of Abel and Cain, in today’s Scripture passage we learn in detail about spiritual faith and carnal faith. In other words, God is explaining to us in exact terms who among today’s Christians are the ones that have the true spiritual faith before God, and who are the ones that have carnal faith.
While Cain worshiped God with an offering of the fruit of the ground, Abel offered the firstborn of his flock and their fat. That Abel here offered the firstborn of his flock and their fat means that Abel worshiped God by placing his faith in God’s Word and His righteousness. The offering that God wants from us is the offering that is given by believing in the baptism of Jesus Christ, who is the firstborn of the flock and in His blood of sacrifice. In the Old Testament, we consistently discover the sacrifice of atonement that was offered with a lamb.
From the first day of creation to the sixth day, God made the heavens and the earth, and the universe and its entire array;...
Genesis chapter four describes the very first sacrifice that mankind offered to God. Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of mankind, were driven out...
After being driven out of the Garden of Eden, Adam slept with his wife Eve, and she conceived a baby. It is written, “She...