In six days, God created the universe and everything in it. And on the seventh day, He rested for He had completed all His works of creation. God blessed and sanctified this day, the seventh day. Today’s Scripture passage is speaking of the seventh day of the Creation. After finishing His works, God rested on the seventh day. We are told that this day does not belong to the days of creation but is separated as God’s own day.
God created us humans in His image so that He may adopt us as His own children. The fact that God created us humans in His exact image implies the salvation through Jesus Christ. God accomplished salvation by completing us humans in Jesus Christ. That God rested on the seventh day means that God had finished His works of salvation. How then did God complete all His works of salvation?
Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of humankind, shared bed and bore a child of the flesh, and the name of their first son...
From the first day of creation to the sixth day, God made the heavens and the earth, and the universe and its entire array;...
Genesis chapter four describes the very first sacrifice that mankind offered to God. Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of mankind, were driven out...